If you're interested in working in the lab as a postdoc or full-time research staff, please send me a brief (~2 paragraph) message describing your research experience and interests.
Include a CV, email addresses of up to three references, and any relevant manuscripts you've worked on (preprints ok!).
I do not respond to messages that appear to have been written using ChatGPT or similar tools.
UCI undergraduates: UCI students may join the lab at any time, when there are available research projects.
Undergraduates are always welcome to attend lab meetings to learn more about our work - reach out for details.
Advanced undergraduates may sign up for 199 course credit and/or an Honors project.
Chen Y, Harhen NC, Stout DA, Bornstein AM
Early life unpredictability modulates planning horizon in a structured foraging task.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.
Yoo J, Zhou D, Bornstein AM
Latent cause inference as an efficient and flexible learning rule for cognitive graphs.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.
Zhou D, Noh SM, Yassa MA, Bornstein AM
Pattern separation using compressed and semantic representations of memory.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience.
Kane GA, Bornstein AM, Shenhav A, Wilson RC, Daw ND, Cohen JD (2017).
Mechanisms of overharvesting in patch foraging.Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 637-642.
Bornstein AM*, Constantino SM*
Nudge back: Towards a taxonomy of scientific rationalities.
London Conference in Critical Thought.
Bornstein AM
Functions of the hippocampal memory system in instrumental control.
Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (3614853).